Friday 30 July 2021

Art omnipresent

I would never presume to give a definition to Art nor am I an expert or artist to attempt to delve it in depth. All I can aspire to do,as a teacher, is firstly to offer my own simple view. To see art is to see beauty in what others perceive as mundane. Secondly, to emphasize that human beings, apart from the obvious needs for food, care, support and love, also need beauty. One of the most effective conduits of beauty is Art. Luckily for us, excluding the many widely acknowledged and celebrated works of art throughout human history, art is all around us, if we only have the  curious eyes and eager soul to see it and appreciate it.

Before going on to my main issue, I'll grasp this opportunity to discuss the numerous benefits of Art on us humans.The list is by no means exhaustive.
- First of all, being exposed to art of any kind radically improves one's creative skills.This could include just about any field, such as music, painting or even cooking.
- It gives infinite joy and allows the soul to soar.
- It lowers stress levels. Considering the times we live in, it's a healing balm for both body and soul.
- It gives the opportunity to showcase one's talent (or talents!)
- It gives you the confidence to be yourself, the courage to put yourself out there and be seen.
- It provides a healthy outlet to express your emotions, positive or negative.
- Communication with other people is made easier, smoother, especially for those who are more introverted.
- Art helps you perform better academically. Considering its ability to relieve stress and offer clarity of mind, it subsequently enhances focus on your goals whether those pertain to studies or work.
- It is particularly helpful with visual learning, something students could mine great benefit from.

Considering the above and especially the last two points, it is extremely difficult for me to wrap my head around the decision of the Ministry of Education to cut out from the curriculum of the Senior High school classes all Art lessons.Human beings, and kids especially, being at the very start of their lives, are very malleable. They don't only need Maths, Language, Physics -not that there is anything wrong with these subjects. They're necessary. I just wonder why the psyche must be excluded from the learning process? Why can't emotions, creativity and beauty be included in the curriculum? In that way we could have more balanced human beings, possessing both knowledge and emotional processing skills. Those humans could create a whole, balanced, happier and more beautiful world.

With that off my chest, I'll move on to my main point. Art and all that is beautiful is first and foremost around us. Our precious planet, the universe itself once were big, empty canvases on which some unseen hand painted and crafted both the most breathtaking colours and mind-blowing shapes. The beauty and intelligence behind these works of art have been and still are the ultimate inspiration for any other work of art and fill our souls with infinite joy.

In their latest album Human :II: Nature, Nightwish paid homage to our planet, to Nature. Especially the second part of the album, All the works that adorn the World, is a thank you letter, an ode to Nature. It touches the soul deeply, a true delight, effortlessly stirring emotional chords we've forgotten or never knew we had. It could trigger, finally, some serious action to save our planet before it's too late to do any saving. A true work of love and art.

That'll be all for today. I truly hope this will speak to you. Let me know what you think!

Have a blessed day.

Sunday 25 July 2021

Gratitude and goal setting

There is much to be said for giving thanks as well as for goal setting and scheduling your precious time. 

Let's first define gratitude.It is the thankful appreciation for what you receive, tangible or intangible. Numerous studies have demonstrated how gratitude journalling significantly increases happiness levels but also enhances one's health.

Let's get a more in-depth look at the benefits.
* increased happiness and positive
*more satisfaction with life
*  you become less materialistic
*you are less likely to experience burnout
* better physical health
*less fatigue
*lower levels of of cellular
*greater resilience
*encourages the development of patience, humility and wisdom.

As for goal setting.... well, to be honest, it was much more difficult for me to apply than gratitude. Managing my time and doing so effectively had always been my personal, ruthless nemesis. Now we're coexisting rather uncomfortably but I have high hopes that in the near future we'll be allies to a common goal.

The benefits of goal setting are many and crucial I might add.Some of them are listed below.

1.First of all they provide you with a clear direction and purpose, a destination for which to reach.
2. Goal setting gives you a clear focus of your time and energy. It gives you clarity on your goals and motivates you to take action every single day.
3. It increases productivity tremendously.
4.By sticking to specific, measurable goals you are committed to daily action and it is a great help to visualise your future.
5. It gives you more time freedom.
6. Having goals and recording them daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly makes you more accountable to yourself.
7. Goals give you a clear direction and control over your time and therefore the future you want for 
8.Finally, having goals inspires you to take action daily. Thus as momentum picks up and you tick off more goals from your list, satisfaction sets in and increases motivation to carry on.

On a more artistic note, it is extremely satisfactory for me to record both my gratitude and goals with a fountain pen instead of your usual ball pen. Lately I have started collecting fountain pens that give a touch of luxury to what might otherwise seem like a dull obligation. It elevates this daily ritual to a whole different dimension.It has become a pleasure I've come to look forward to every morning.

I'd love to hear from you now.

Do you keep a gratitude and goal setting journal?
What are the greatest benefits for
Do you have any other rituals of gratitude and goal setting?

Let me know in the comments!

Walking Your Talk: The Power of Authenticity

      A quote I  was thinking about today is the following by Mark Sanborn:"Integrity is measured by the distance between your lips and...