What is the first thing you do every day when you wake up? Pressing the snooze button repeatedly, wishing you could just slip back into dreamland? Or do you wake up late repeatedly, putting on whatever clothes you find and rushing out of the house in a panicked frenzy? Of course you have heard there is an alternative way, that of sticking to a morning routine and thus incrementally increasing your efficiency and peace of mind.You may have said to yourself that you would start next Monday, next week, but procrastination and laziness just kept you repeating the same pattern over and over again, leaving you with feelings of frustration and self-loathing.
I myself am guilty of all the above. My mornings were stressful and I was always late and in a state of panic.I knew it wasn't supposed to be like this but then I had no system in place nor did I know of ways to organise my time. At some point 5 years ago I decided that enough was enough. I took to the Internet and started my research on time management. I was astounded by the plethora of methods and the number of successful people who swore by their morning routines, which ensured that they left their home in the right mood and state of mind and their daily obligations were programmed and ran smoothly and efficiently. From Barack Obama, to Oprah Winfrey, Anna Wintour, the editor-in-chief of Vogue,Arianna Huffington of Thrive Global, Jeff Bezos and so many more all had their own morning routine in place to ensure that their day was a success.I decided to give it a go. I went through quite a lot of suggestions but the one that stood out for me by far, due to its simplicity and straightforwardness, was Robin Sharma's 20/20/20 method, which is thoroughly analysed in his book the 5 a,m club.
So impressed was I that I immediately put it to action. I even read the book, not once but 4 times.Over the past five years I have been an avid early riser and program my days meticulously, with a few twists of my own here and there, to suit my own needs and personality. Let's dive right in.
1. Prepare the night before.
Before you go to bed, take the time to meticulously plan the next day, making a list of what needs to be done. It's also advisable to carve out some me-time and time with your family and friends. Life is not just about being efficient. We must always make some time for ourselves and to be wth the ones we love, to acknowledge our feelings, the need to communicate, to love, to just have some silly fun.Tend to all our sides so that we can have a balanced lifestyle. Otherwise we run the risk of a burnout or fatigue. In addition, be sure to lay out your outfit for the next day, so as not to run around like a crazy person, trying to figure out what to wear or going out in a totally dishevelled state.Presentation matters!
2 .Get up before the sun rises.
An obvious benefit to rising early is that there will be less distractions or interruptions, since the majority of people don't like waking up so early.No messages, no incoming emails.No one needs anything from you. So, it's pure me-time, that you can devote to yourself and your self care and development.I hear you, getting up early is hard. It's not for everyone, though everyone can do it, with some determination and discipline. For me it was excruciatingly difficult. I failed and failed......and failed.But eventually I managed to rise at 5 a.m., sometimes without even needing the alarm clock.If I can do it, so can you!
You can try the following steps to get there.
- For God's sake do not try to wake up at 5 a.m. when you are used to waking up at 8 a.m. Try to wake up at 7.30 as a start. Once you are comfortable with that, proceed to waking up at 7 a.m. and keep going till you get to your goal. Baby steps.
- It is of the essence that you get enough sleep, 6-8 hours. So, according to how much sleep you require, adapt your sleeping schedule and go to bed as early as possible.
- Robin Sharma advises to avoid using any digital device before going to sleep and preferably using an old fashioned alarm clock, which is placed far away from your bed (so no pressing that snooze button!)
- Turn on the lights immediately to ensure you will not fall back asleep.
3.Get your H2O in.
Hydration is critical, especially after a good night's sleep, during which your body could get dehydrated..There are so many health benefits to drinking adequate water.Your body temperature is regulated, waste and toxins which accumulated during the night are washed away.Moreover,water is helpful in reducing caloric intake during the day, it boosts metabolism and rejuvenates your skin. Need I say more?
My personal twist on this, is that every morning, after getting up I consume a big glass of warm water (but not too warm!) with a slice of lemon and some ginger. Thus, my body still gets hydrated but with an added healthy dose of vitamin C, with all the benefits I mentioned above.
4. Get moving and sweat
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