Thursday 31 August 2023

Word of the day: Dream


Somewhere I've read that  most of the elements of our bodies were formed in the stars over the course of billions of years and multiple star lifetimes.It is even possible that some of our hydrogen and lithium, which our body contains in trace amounts, originated from the Big Bang.It would be safe to assume that we are made of stardust, part of the universe itself. Dare I take it a step further and claim, based on the previous statement, that the dreams we have and make for our lives are a way for the universe to manifest itself on this plane? Too philosophical for you? Maybe.Still, us humans are capable of way more than we give ourselves credit for and dreams are the vehicle through which our civilisations have emerged.

Take all the amazing accomplishments since man appeared on the face of the Earth. It started with the discovery and harnessing of fire, the birth of language, the development of tools and metallurgy. Then came the transition from hunter/gatherer to agricultural communities 15.000 to 20.000 years ago.Then came the first evidence of counting 50.000 years ago and the subsequent discovery of Mathematics. Man became aware of the sun, moon and planets and used them as the basis for clocks, calendars and navigation. The scientific revolution that was kickstarted by Copernicus with his his assertion of the sun-based cosmos. The 17th and 18th century saw the emergence of the steam engine and the Industrial Revolution, which led seamlessly to the digital revolution that started in the mid 80s of the previous century. 

It is vital to mention the7 wonders of ancient architecture like the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes. Think also of the Parthenon, the Taj Mahal. Even today's modern architecture can boast of many jewels, like the Palm Islands in Dubai or Incheon's airport in South Korea.Of course all the facets of human art and creativity are mindblowing and varied. Music, theatre, acting and film making, painting, sculpting, all the arts have much beauty and the greatness of the human spirit to show over the centuries.

What I'm getting at with this extensive list is that what is now tangible and visible, once was but a thought, a dream in someone's mind. It came alive only through conscious action and work, passion and tenacity.At the core is always the dream, the desire to produce something beyond oneself, to create beauty.No person alive on this planet today is exempt from this. From the moment we become self-aware we dream,we desire to create and upgrade ourselves and the world we inhabit.


 I would like to invite you to do a journalling exercise with me.

Today, take your journal and visualise. Who do you want to be in 5 years' time? What kind of life do you want to have?Write a letter to your future self 5 years from now. As you are writing, set aside all the limitations you have placed upon yourself. You may think you are not deserving of certain things or you believe it is too far fetched for you to have certain aspirations and desires. Release those limits and allow yourself to write in a state of flow, without overthinking. Believe everything is possilble.Connect to your heart. What is most important to you? Allow anything that needs to come through to manifest itself.When you've finished, you can either save it and read it again sometime in the future. Some people burn these letters,thus setting this dream free into the universe. You do whatever feels right for you. I still have some entries like these in my journal and it's interesting to recognise patterns emerging or just recognising how far I've come in my life.It is a beautiful practice, not to mention liberating, in more ways than one.

I hope you will take me up on my invitation and allow yourself to dream today. Just let yourself free. You never know what might come through for you!






As always, sending you endless ripples of positivity and love,


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