Friday 8 September 2023

11 Quotes that'll make you appreciate the value of learning and education

 We are on the cusp of another school year here in Greece. It is a dreaded moment for many students, signalling the end of carelessness and freedom to do as they please. For us teachers it is the beginning of an endless effort to get our students to appreciate the value of the knowledge we're offering while at the same time we're called upon to also play the role of parent/confidante/psychologist/negotiator/problem solver. We wear many hats but, however exhausting it may be at times, it is an assignment I joyfully carry out.



Much ink has been spilled, aiming to convey and highlight the significance of education and learning in our lives.Below I share some of the best in my view, from some of the most respected and celebrated human beings, each in their own field of expertise. Let's dive right in, shall we?




Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.

-Benjamin Franklin





Learning never exhausts the mind.

-Leonardo da Vinci





The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.

-B.B. King









Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.

- Henry Ford


We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.

-Peter Drucker


One learns from books and example only that certain things can be done. Actual learning requires that you do those things.

-Frank Herbert 


Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.

-Anthony J. D'Angelo 


One hour per day of study in your chosen field is all it takes. One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. Within five years you'll be a national authority. In seven years, you can be one of the best people in the world at what you do. 

-Earl Nightingale  


True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross;then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create their own.

-Nikos Kazantzakis 


The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.

-Alvin Toffler


Change is the end result of all true learning.

-Leo Buscaglia

What captivated me in all these quotes is the emphasis on the undeniable reality that lifelong learning and growth is what is required these days. By becoming a lifelong learner, one stays abreast of changes in society, grows both as a person and as a successful professional. Simultaneously a love for learning ensures that we  maintain a healthy and flexible mind.It is also stressed that in order to be able to adapt and keep up with the rapid changes and developments, one has to become accustomed to unlearning any obsolete knowledge and relearning, thus securing both the desired growth as a person but also becoming much more successful -and useful- in their chosen field.

We have come a long way from the time when all it took was the knowledge of reading and writing to be considered an educated person. A lifelong adaptability and growth is required now in learning and education, and we as teachers are responsible for our students' growth, for as long as they are in our care.A heavy but honorable duty.

That's all for today. Let's make this an educational, productive school year, but also one of joy, inclusion, tolerance and love.We need more of these in our uncertain times.

As always, sending you ripples of positivity and love,

Lia 馃挀馃榾

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Enjoy the silence

 Silence is the great teacher, and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it. There is no substitute for the creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that come from knowing how to contact your core of inner silence. – Deepak Chopra

It is undeniable that today's world is insufferably noisy. Our everyday obligations aside, blaring television sets and sound systems, heavy traffic and the constant pinging from the notifications on our phones are ceaseless. This creates extended periods of time our brain is in stress mode, which in turn leads to chronic stress, insomnia, you name it.


Today I would like to challenge you to come out of your comfort zone and carve out one hour-or if you are daring, three hours- of silence. It can be any time of your choosing, morning or evening.Go technology free and switch off  your computer, ipad, phone, even your music player. Concentrate on the inner silence.No doubt your hand will reflexively reach for your phone but try to resist the urge. We are all so addicted to watching reels, consuming what the media feeds us. I am as guilty as anyone else on this. I work for hours on my computer and I do love watching a good movie on TV or listening to my favourite music. Our lives are imbued with electronics and media-related information. And while it cannot be avoided altogether, it would be a healthy and balanced choice to set some boundaries once or twice every week, for the sake of our overall well-being.

What can you do with one to three hours of  technology silence? Well, I've got a list ready for you, with activities we have thrown in the river of oblivion.Let's remember some of them, shall we? 

*Read a good book, whether fiction or non-fiction, it's up to you.


 *Take a long bath and enjoy the silence.Light some candles and focus on your breathing. It works wonders if you want to de-stress. 

*Draw or paint. I've recently started drawing again. Actually, I used to be quite good and I plan on spending more time on it. Who knows what will come out of it? I can tell you it relaxes me and gives me great satisfaction and joy.

*Make some tea or pour yourself some wine and sit on your balcony, garden or in your living room. Surrender to the silence and heed any insights or a-ha moments that come up for you.

*Do some yoga or work out.

*Spend some time on self care. Hair, nails, massage, whatever you like, or need. It will be a time well spent with yourself and for yourself.

*Hug your spouse, your children and just sit together. Maybe have a conversation, play a game or read together. 

*Go out for a long walk. If you're lucky to live close to nature, take a walk in woods. If you live in a concrete city, go to the park or just a walk in your neighbourhood. Either way, you'll be benefitted both physically and mentally.

Silence is a great teacher and a source of valuable insights. A couple of times per week in silence should benefit you immensely and you'll be grateful that you did.

I'm really hoping you'll give this a go. It's not easy I know. It's just so sad though that we consciously have to make such an effort to turn off all electronics and do all those things that once gave us so much joy and pleasure.Now is as good moment as any to start. 

Well, that's all from me. I sincerely hope you'll try setting those boundaries and find yourself again in things and activities that have been set aside if not altogether forgotten.

As always, sending you ripples of positivity and love,


Saturday 2 September 2023

Inner peace: a dreamer's wish or attainable goal?



 Painting: Inner Peace by Brenda Morgado




Connect to the inner peace within. 

 Those were the words of the yoga instructor during my yoga practice this morning. Even while being totally blissed out, the memory of me during this summer flashed through my mind.

 What?Inner peace? Really? I most likely resembled a boiling pot of water threatening to blow its lid off while waiting for any announcement regarding my placement. Thankfully, all turned out extremely well. But until that moment I was utterly unable to feel calm, much less peaceful. 

Isn't it remarkable how disconnected most of us are from even a faint connection with our inner peace? The many obligations we all have to carry and see through on a daily basis weigh us down to such an extent that we end up disconnecting from ourselves, forgetting our needs and desires, even who we truly are. It is so sad to witness this in myself as well as in other people in my life.This disconnected state deprives us not only of the necessary balance needed for our brains and bodies to function optimally but also robs us of fully experiencing life. Our default setting has become to merely exist, performing, doing, as if our conscious mind is absent from our bodies. We have forgotten what it feels like to just be, fully present in our bodies and our lives.

There are numerous ways to reconnect to that feeling of inner peace. Most are mindfulness practices that have been thoroughly analysed in previous posts, like

* meditation

* keeping a daily gratitude journal

* yoga

* setting daily time aside for yourself, even time for solitude. 

*Going back to nature holds amazing benefits for overall well-being and gaining inner peace. 

*Practising forgiveness towards ourselves and others is a determining factor.We all know how excruciating it is to hold a grudge, it can quite literally eat away at us.  

*Accept what you can't change or control.This is a biggie for me. Even today when I'm presumably older, and therefore wiser 馃槀... I still find it immensely difficult to relinquish control and just accept what is. I still have some more growing up to do it seems...

There are undoubtedly many more and you can choose which fits you best. As long as you are able to reconnect with your inner peace, it's still a win for you, whatever way you chose to get there.

Below you'll find some of my favourite quotes on inner peace.


"When you do the right thing,you get the feeling of peace and serentity associated with it. Do it again and again."   -Roy T. Bennett


Painting:Grateful by Luzdy Rivera






"It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of  the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things you lack."   -Germany Kent




Painting:Forgiveness by Adele Joubert






Inner peace can be reached only when we practise forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past,and is therefore the means for correcting our misperceptions." - Gerald G. Jampolsky 




Painting of George Michael by Richard Garnham 






"You'll never find peace of mind till you listen to your heart." - George Michael






Painting :Four stages of acceptance by Ryan Louder 





 "Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them;that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." - Lao Tzu


There are many, many more such quotes, words of people far wiser than me, that you can seek out if you wish to delve further into the subject. These speak to me on a personal level, that's why I chose to share them with you. Hopefully they'll be of help to you in some small way. 

Well, that's all for today's post. It is my sincere wish you find something in it that will serve you in some way. Enjoy a calm, loving weekend!馃挀馃榾

Sending you endless ripples of positivity and love, 



Walking Your Talk: The Power of Authenticity

      A quote I  was thinking about today is the following by Mark Sanborn:"Integrity is measured by the distance between your lips and...