Friday 23 August 2024

Walking Your Talk: The Power of Authenticity




A quote I  was thinking about today is the following by Mark Sanborn:"Integrity is measured by the distance between your lips and your life."

 In a world filled where most of us speak with empty promises and hollow words, "walking your talk" stands as a pillar of true character. It's about aligning your actions with your words, living by the values you claim to espouse, and setting an example through your behavior. When you walk your talk, you build trust and credibility—not just with others, but  most importantly with yourself. It means taking responsibility, being consistent, and showing up as the person you claim to be. Remember, actions speak louder than words. The impact you make comes not from what you say, but from what you do.

It's not as easy to do of course. Our social media accounts are brimming with images of  more beautiful, richer, more successful people, which naturally triggers the need to compare. Inevitably most of us do not even remotely measure up to those, sometimes unreachable, standards. Bear in mind though, the world needs you to be you, not the replica of another human being,however richer or more successful than you.Instead,explore your talents, sharpen your skills, work on yourself and dare to put yourself out there. It is easy to compare and succumb to jealousy. I know from experience, it is easy to  make excuses and break your promises to others and yourself. But at what cost?

Being authentically you, keeping your promises and integrity takes work and tenacity,yes. But the reward of internal peace and pride towards yourself is something too invaluable to replace by petty feelings and void promises. Be brave, be vulnerable and turn yourself into someone you can truly look up to.

With love, 


p.s. It's Friday, so I decided to share my Friday playlist with you. It's loaded with songs that make me feel good whenever my mood goes sour or if I'm just unmotivated.It's a weird mix and match but I hope you'll like it!

Thursday 22 August 2024

September Glow Up: Your Ultimate Guide to Revitalizing Mind, Body, and Soul

As the crisp September air signals the start of a new season, it brings with it the perfect opportunity for a personal glow-up. Whether you're getting ready to tackle the last quarter of the year or simply looking to refresh your routine after the summer, September offers a unique moment to focus on self-care, self-improvement, and renewal. I absolutely love all things about fall, and I'm sure there are many of you who do so as well! If you were looking for ways to have a glow up this coming season,here’s your ultimate guide to achieving that September glow-up, from mental well-being to physical rejuvenation. 


Reflect and Set Intentions

September is a month of transition, making it the ideal time to pause, reflect, and set new intentions. We are approaching the latter quarter of the year. Now is an auspicious time to think about the goals you want to achieve by the end of the year. Whether it’s improving your health, mental well-being,building better habits, or achieving a work-life balance, write them down. This will serve as a roadmap for your glow-up journey.

Useful tip: I have found that journaling is a highly efficient tool to track your progress and stay motivated. Daily or weekly reflections can help you stay aligned with your goals.



 Revamp Your Skincare Routine

As the seasons change, so should your skincare routine.This is a must for both men and women. The cooler weather in September can make our skin feel dry and dull, so it's essential to switch up your products for optimal results.

  • Hydration is Key: Opt for a heavier moisturizer to combat dryness.
  • Exfoliate Regularly: This helps to remove dead skin cells and reveal a fresh, glowing complexion.
  • Sunscreen Isn’t Just for Summer: Continue to protect your skin from UV rays, even in cooler weather.

DIY Skincare Tip: Try a honey and yogurt mask for a natural, hydrating boost.I have personally tried this and I can assure you it works miracles!

Fall into Fitness

If you're anything like me,the lazy days of summer might have led to a less consistent fitness routine, which has led to the unfortunate gain of a few extra kilos.September is the perfect time to get back on track. With the weather being neither too hot nor too cold, outdoor activities become much more enjoyable, so you could start by taking more frequent walks, alone or with friends. As long as you add more movement into your daily routine, you'll immediately notice the difference both in your body as well as in your mood and increased clarity.

  • Try Something New: Whether it’s a yoga class, pilates, or a running club, now is the time to experiment with different forms of exercise.
  • Set a Challenge: Consider signing up for a charity run or setting a personal fitness goal to keep you motivated. You don't even have to set the bar too high at first. Start small and work your way up to more complex and difficult goals. It's that one small step that you need to take. The rest will take care of itself. 

Fitness Hack: Again, if you're anything like me,time can be tight.Try to incorporate short, high-intensity workouts that can be done in 20 minutes or less. Even a small amount of movement per day is better than doing nothing.

Nourish from Within

What you put into your body has a huge impact on how you feel and look. September’s harvest brings a bounty of nutritious foods that can enhance your glow-up and make you feel amazing in your body.

  • Seasonal Superfoods: Try to incorporate apples, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and leafy greens into your meals. These foods are packed with vitamins and antioxidants that promote healthy skin and boost energy levels.
  • Hydrate: I know all too well that cooler weather can sometimes reduce our thirst, but staying hydrated is key for maintaining glowing skin and high energy levels.If you can't consume 3 litres of water daily, than aim for the 8 glasses of water recommended by doctors and nutritionists alike.

Recipe Idea: I am a big fan of soups. A great idea is to make a warm bowl of butternut squash soup with a side of kale salad.It is a perfect fall meal that’s both comforting and nutritious. If, however, you do not have access to these foods or if they are not your cup of tea, any kind of soup is amazing for those cool fall evenings!




 Declutter and Organize

It is an indisputable fact that a clear space leads to a clear mind. September is a great time to declutter your home, workspace, and last, but not least, your digital life.

  • Tidy Up: You know it all too well. Our closets are full of clothes that are either too old,too small or just not useful anymore.No better place to start —switch out summer clothes for fall attire and donate items you no longer wear.
  • Digital Detox: Clean up your inbox, organize your desktop, and unfollow accounts that don’t bring you joy or inspiration.

Organizing Tip: I find  the “three-box method” for decluttering extremely useful: one box for items to keep, one for donations, and one for things to toss.



Mindful Practices for Mental Glow

A glow-up isn’t just about looking good—it’s about feeling good too.After all, our glow-up starts from within.Aim to incorporate mindful practices into your daily routine to nurture your mental well-being.This, in turn, will have a ripple effect in all other areas of your life, making it more wholesome and healthy.

  • Meditation: Even just five minutes a day can reduce stress and improve focus.So far, I have managed to meditate for 10 minutes daily. It's worked wonders in my mood and efficiency! 
  • Gratitude: Start a gratitude journal where you write down three things you’re thankful for each day. This simple practice can shift your mindset and boost positivity.I can definitely attest to this. I have a previous blog post on the subject of gratitude, with much more of the benefits it brings. I hope it is of use to you.
  • Gratitude and goal setting
  • 11 Journalling benefits and prompts to get you started 

Mental Health Tip: In our technology crazed era, try to limit your screen time, especially on social media, to reduce anxiety and comparison.It has been proven that excessive exposure to screens is conducive to limited focus span and depression, among others.Opt to have a discussion with a friend, call someone you haven't spoken to in a while, or just go out for a walk.



Refresh Your Wardrobe

With the changing season, September is the perfect time to refresh your wardrobe. Embrace the cozy, stylish vibes of fall fashion.

  • Layer Up: Invest in a few versatile pieces like a chic trench coat, cozy sweaters, and stylish boots.
  • Play with Textures: Mix and match different fabrics like wool, leather, and denim to create a dynamic look.
  • You can also play around with colors or techniques with your nails or make-up or try a fresh, fall hairstyle.

Style Tip: Don’t be afraid to experiment with autumnal colors—deep burgundies, burnt oranges, and forest greens are all the rage this season.


 Conclusion: Embrace the September Glow-Up!

September offers a golden opportunity to reset, recharge, and rediscover your best self. Whether you're focusing on skincare, fitness, or mental well-being, remember that a true glow-up comes from within. Embrace this month as a time to nurture your body, mind, and soul, and get ready to receive compliments as you radiate confidence and positivity for the rest of the year!


With love and light,





Sunday 18 August 2024

Sunday Musings: When you find yourself at the end, there's already a new beginning in sight


It is safe to say that this summer has been my most unproductive yet. I was utterly unable to discipline or even coax my unruly and disorganised mind into bringing all the plans I had made after schools closed to fruition. 

Now, nearing the end of the summer holidays, the only thing I can say I did successfuly was finding amazing music and choreographies, watching soul-stirring movies and dramas and doing a bit of reading. At other times I would just blankly stare at the night sky, thinking of nothing and everything at once, however ridiculous or paradoxical that may sound. I can only justify this as being the result of an exhausting school year, plus all the other obligations that needed handling.Maybe it was my body's or brain's defense mechanism,forcing me to rest for a change.

Another new beginning is around the corner with schools opening in a few weeks. It is only now that I can bring myself to do more and prepare for the school year ahead plus  starting all other ventures I had planned on doing. However much I chastised myself, there really isn't much to be done about it now. I decided to consider it as precious time spent on me, as that seemed to be what my body needed most.

I daresay I have no regrets (well, maybe a few...) being this lazy. With body and soul fully re-energised  I can view this new beginning in a more positive - and productive- way. Fully embracing this fresh start, even though I feel a bit insecure and deal with mixed feelings, I can humbly  say I am ready. 

Enough self-reflecting and rambling. I 'll leave you with the wise and profound words of Jennifer Ritchie Payette:

  "It’s humbling to start fresh. It takes a lot of courage. But it can be reinvigorating. You just have to put your ego on a shelf & tell it to be quiet.” 

Have an amazing Sunday evening everyone.



 13 Uplifting Quotes About New Beginnings

Walking Your Talk: The Power of Authenticity

      A quote I  was thinking about today is the following by Mark Sanborn:"Integrity is measured by the distance between your lips and...