Wednesday 19 July 2023

11 stress management techniques and their benefits

 It's safe to say that modern life is extremely stressful. Each of us is daily juggling, not always successfully, with dozens of tasks.Just take a look at your to-do-list. Work, study, finances, household chores, family, technology, self-care, exercise.... the list goes on and on. No wonder most of us feel stressed out all the time.I myself am prone to get overly stressed, usually owing to the great number of obligations I am faced with on a daily basis, not unlike the majority of people on this planet.

I have come to realise, however, that it all comes down to choice and the decision not to allow stress to my life, wreaking all sorts of havoc.As with all things, how we respond greatly impacts not only our physical and mental well-being but also the quality of our life.Here's where stress management comes into play and thankfully, there are a great number of techniques we can apply to respond to our daily challenges with more grace and kindness to ourselves while also being able to perform our duties effectively.

Stress management techniques  

Taking into consideration  how unique each person is, it must be pointed out that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to stress management.It is nevertheless helpful to have a toolkit of sorts, with helpful tools to combat the stress attack the moment it sets in. Let's dive right in.

  • Change your mindset - Stress kicks in the moment we start perceiving a task as extremely challenging, daunting and impossible to tackle. The best way to deal with this stressor is to let go of unrealistic expectations you have of yourself,of how things should be done or how well they should be done. Don't allow  negative thinking patterns, such as "shoulds" fear of criticism or thinking of the worst case scenario to influence you. Try to view the situation more objectively and positively and it will provide a clearer perspective on how to handle things.
  •  Mindfulness Practices - One of the most efffective  mindfulness techniques is the practice of meditation, gratitude practice and journalling. All these release happy chemicals in our brain, restore our sense of presence in the now and a feeling of gratitude for all the many blessings in our lives, which we more often than not tend to overlook in the daily frenzy of our lives.
  • Aromatherapy -A great variety of scents has been said to soothe stress. Essential oils and fragrances like amber, bergamot, orange, clary sage, geranium and lavender work wonders and provide peace of mind and tranquility, whether alone or in combination with meditation or breathwork.
  •  Breathe- Breathing deeply into your belly instantly provides a sense of calmness and signals to the body that all is safe now, so they fight-or-flight response is no longer required. Even more effective is doing breathwork exercises daily to give our body some necessary restoration after a hectic day- or even between tasks. The linked video is a great way to get started with breathwork.

  •  Disconnect - Needless to say that technology takes up a lot of precious space both in our minds as well as in our daily lives. Undeniably, it is a double-edged sword. Its benefits cannot be refuted. We work more flexibly, stay in touch with the latest news and trends and get in touch with friends and family with a mere swipeon the screen or touch of a button, all from the comfort of our own home. The downside is that being constantly"on" and connected really takes its toll on your health and well-being, causing significant stress to the mind and body.If you can't take a technology detox for a prolonged period of time, make the choice to at least set limits to your screen time, turn off alerts and go offline at least 2 hours before bedtime, to give your brain some necessary rest.
  •  Break a sweat-  Exercise releases positive stress-combatting endorphins,gives a significant boost to your self-confidence and lowers any symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. Whether it is an hour long sweaty session at the gym or a more moderate form of exercise like yoga or walking, make the choice to prioritise it in your daily routine.
  • Up your lifestyle choices - Oftentimes poor lifestyle choices also contribute to heightened stress levels. Reduce the caffeine and alcohol and cut out the sugar from your diet. They contain stimulants that contribute to stress and depression. Opt for a whole foods diet to gift your body the vitamins, nutrients and minerals it needs to function at an optimal state. Don't stay up past your bedtime because it's the only moment of peace you have. (That's me alright!) Sleeps helps the body to repair and helps with emotion regulation among numerous other benefts.Without adequate sleep, we tend to feel the effects of stress much, much more. It is necesary therefore, to prioritise sleep if we want to reap the benefits of a more balanced life.
  • Embrace the embrace - Hug your loved ones, your family, your friends,even if it is for just 10 seconds.That is sufficient to release those feel-good hormones like oxytocin and causing stress chemicals like cortisol to reduce significantly. Additional benefits are an enhanced immune system, heightened tolerance to pain, optimal heart function  and better quality of sleep.Sounds good right? 
          “Laughter with those that understand us is music for the soul.
         A hug at the right moment and a kind shoulder to lean on,
         Is the sprinkle of magic that keeps us walking towards hope.”
         ― Mimi Novic 
  • Time blockingand coping skills - Learn to manage your time. Do not overload your schedule and always make sure to take frequent breaks to avoid exhaustion. Set boundaries to those who would take advantage of your good will and learn to recognise your limits.Likewise learn to set boundaries to yourself whenever you go into Superhero mode and try to do everything all at once.Establish a daily routine to reduce you daily stresses. A daily planner is an amazing tool to stay on top of things.It has most certainly helped me!
  •  Go into nature - It is great medicine for your mental health, as it hepls you destress, significantly relaxes you and improves your mood.On top of that, it works wonders for your physical health, too, as feeling connected to nature helps your activity levels, thus aiding your health on all levels.
  • Socialise -  A strong social network and having good friends is a great way to get rid of or at least reduce stress levels. Our friends can help us find solutions to problems or at least manage them. They help us keep things in their proper perspective and keep us grounded.Friendly chats or just having silly fun also helps release the oxytocin that feels good to the brain and keeps us stress-free.

 So, there you have it. A quite comprehensive list of tools at your disposal when you find that stress has once again taken ahold of you. It has certainly helped me, though I am by no means innocent of slip- ups. Marcus Aurelius, infinitely wiser than me, said it so much better than I ever could:
 “If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”

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